Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grandma Baby Shower

The shower was at Carol's house on the golf course. The setting was absolutely beautiful! Here we are with Carol and Diane
The cake was delicious
The ladies with Tanner
Baby Shower Memory Game
Tanner with Grandma
He was very well behaved the whole shower, barely making a peep!

On October 8th, about 13 of my mom's golfing friends came together at Carol's house on the golf course to celebrate Tanner's birth and throw him a "Grandma Baby Shower." The weather was perfect and Carol had decorated all the tables beautifully, complete with homeade caramel apples for everyone. We also played Baby Shower Memory which is like the memory game that kids play only this time all the numbers had a pregnancy term on the back and if you got a match, you received a candy bar that went along with the term. For example, I matched "Pregnancy Belly" and the candy I got for winning the match was Jelly Bellies! It was very creative and a lot of fun. I was very humbled by everyone's kindness and it was fun showing Tanner off.

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