Monday, September 8, 2008

Good times!

Daddy watches the Nascar race with Tanner
First bath
Papa John with Tanner
Grandma Di with Tanner
Look at that face!

So proud to be Tanner's Mom!
Tanner with Grandma Mullikin
Tanner with "Uncle T"(Scott)

Tanner has been sleeping very well! The last two nights I got roughly 7 - 8 hours of sleep with little interruptions. I found that for now, I can't sleep next to Tanner because any little noise he makes I wonder what he's doing or if he's going to wake up so Tim has been sleeping in another room with Tanner and waking up with him. Last night Tim got up with Tanner the first time, around 2AM and fed him. My mom has been staying with us and has been incredibly helpful and she took Tanner when he woke up at 6:30 AM. It's nice to have those breaks when he's sleeping but when he's sleeping I wonder when he'll wake up and when he's awake I wonder when he'll sleep. I just can't win! Tim and I are so blessed to have such a great little boy.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Kristen he is adorable...congrats!