Monday, September 8, 2008

Life at home

First time with a bottle
Mommy loves Tanner!
Sleeping angel
Much happier with food!

The first two days at home were very very difficult because breastfeeding was not going well and Tanner was incredibly hungry. I didn't realize how little I was able to give him since you can't see what goes into his body when he's feeding. He would spend sometimes 90 minutes shrieking. After we visited the doctor on Friday I was ready to give up breastfeeding and once she told me he had lost more than 10% of his body weight, I knew I had to give in and give him formula to supplement. It was amazing how quickly his manner changed. That's when I realized how undernourished he had been and of course it made me feel so awful. But the good news is, I started pumping my milk and I'm getting more and more so now we only have to give him formula at night. I'm hoping that we'll be able to give it up entirely soon but I am so relieved that he is eating healthily now. He is such a happy baby!

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